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歌剧魅影经典唱段有一 Wishing you were somehow here againWishing you were somehow here again 译为希望你曾降临,这是该剧赚足眼泪的经典名曲,也是首唱莎拉布莱曼每次音乐会必唱的保留曲目,这;1Think of Me CHRISTINEThink of me, think of me fondly, when we#39ve said goodbyeRemember me every so often promise me you#39ll tryOn that day, that not so distant day, when you are far away。

Nighttimesharpens,heightenseachsensation 夜来临,感觉渐渐,敏锐清晰 Darknesswakesandstirsimagination 暗夜流动,唤醒想象 Silentlythesenses,abandontheirdefences 让理性默然,不再抵挡 HelplesstoresistthenotesIwrite 不再抵挡我书写;求五部英文电影里经典的好的句子,要说明是哪部电影的句子,并且一部电影至少有5句话,若是在没有5部,有一部也行,谢谢 求五部英文电影里经典的好的句子,要说明是哪部电影的句子,并且一部电影至少有5句话,若是在没有5部,有。


The phantom of the opera歌剧魅影 The story is set in1882,London故事发生在1882年的伦敦 It is said that there was a phantom of the opera in the theater据说在伦敦大剧院里有个魅影The phantom。

歌剧魅影里全部共有22首歌曲,具体分别如下1Overture前奏曲乐器 2Thinkofme想想我卡尔洛塔克里斯提娜拉乌尔 3Angelofmusic音乐天使梅格克里斯提娜 4LittleLotteTheMirror小洛蒂镜子。


Phantom of the Opera 歌剧魅影,Phantom of the Opera,是根据法国作家卡斯顿·勒胡Gaston Leroux的小说Le Fantom De L#39opera改编的歌剧魅影属于法国通俗小说,指十九世纪到二十世纪初在法国兴起蓬勃的各种。

歌剧魅影演唱克里斯汀 作词佚名 作曲佚名 译文Think of me想想我think of me fondly深情的想想我when we#39ve said goodbye当我们已互道再会Remember me, once in a while 偶尔记起我 please。

Love means never having to say you#39re sorrry爱就是永远不必说对不起爱情故事Mama always said life was like a box of chocolatesYou never know what you#39re gonna get妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你。

cial disfigurement behind a mask and in the catacombs beneath Paris#39s Opera Populaire, known only as the Phantom of the Opera or Opera Ghost His one companion is his young singing protégé, a soprano named。

2015年5月21日,由北京四海一家文化传播有限责任公司引进的剧院魅影英文巡演版北京发布会在北大百年讲堂召开,这也是该剧首次在北京的媒体和观众面前亮相作曲家安德鲁·劳埃德·韦伯Andrew Lloyd Webber,1948年3月。

歌剧魅影英文是The Phantom Of The Opera歌剧魅影,剧情电影,外文名The Phantom Of The Opera,亚瑟·鲁宾执导,Samuel HoffensteinHans JacobyJohn Jacoby加斯顿·勒鲁Eric Taylor编剧,1943年8月27日上映。



1、In sleep he sang to me,in dreams he came that voice which calls to me and speaks my name And do I dream again?For now I find the Phantom of the Opera is there inside my mind PHANTO。

2、One love, one lifetime 此生此情不渝 #xFFFD#xFFFD#xFFFD#xFFFDAnywhere you go Let me go too 无论去何处都让你我形影不离 #xFFFD#xFFFD#xFFFD#xFFFDSay the word And I。

3、魅影初次出现时,从“傲慢的男孩”那里一直到克里斯蒂娜晕倒假面舞会上,从“为何如此安静,诸君?”开始一直到“她的导师”克里斯蒂娜到父亲的墓园里开始唱歌,到拉乌尔出现演 魅影初次出现时,从“傲慢的男孩”那里一直到克里斯蒂娜。




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